5 days free test
The widget does not have a "Settings" section and works automatically right after installation
The widget controls the appearance of Contacts or Companies or changes in the fields of these cards, namely:
- phone (last 9 characters of the phone number);
- email;
and in case of matching data in these fields puts a task both on the manager who adds new data and on the manager who is responsible for the old contact with the same data.
In the text of the task there are links to cards with duplicates.
The widget does not merge Contacts or Companies, but only informs. This is done taking into account different policies in sales departments of different companies. It is not always possible to give the manager the right to decide what to merge and whom to put in charge.
Please be reminded that a user with deletion rights or administrator rights can merge contacts or companies in CRM.
When installed, the widget will not scan existing contacts in CRM for duplicates - it will monitor only new changes since its installation.
The widget costs
3000 UAH ($80) per year or you can use it
free of charge - to do so, message us to discuss the possibility.
Write us to discuss the details of cooperation.