Kommo CRM

+Duplicates +TurboSMSas a gift




The main questions about Kommo CRM and simple answers to them:

What is CRM?
CRM is a program that helps to organize the work of the sales department

What exactly does CRM do?
  • With the help of its tools, CRM helps:
  • Not to lose a single new application (from the site, mail, messengers, social networks, telephony...)
  • Contact the client on time with manual or automatic reminders
  • Reply to the client in a convenient communication channel directly from CRM

You will know at any time:
  • How many new applications have come in and from which sources
  • At what stages of work they are now
  • Which manager is responsible for them
  • What each manager plans to do on a specific request and when
  • What managers wrote and talked about with the client
  • How many successful applications per period and for how much
  • How many refusals and for what reasons

CRM has a number of tools that help you work with new leads and regular customers, namely
  • Customer base
  • Base of orders
  • Base of daily tasks of managers
  • Reminders
  • Integration with messengers and social networks
  • Sales funnel automation
  • Objective analytics on the actions taken by managers in CRM

Implementation of Kommo by Chisla - the

the official partner in Ukraine

For most customers, CRM implementation takes from 2 to 7 days with constant support from our specialists
You can choose a convenient format of cooperation with us. From basic consultations and service connections to the development of software solutions by our programming department
We are a team of specialists with experience in management positions in sales departments. We know business processes from the inside and are ready to take responsibility for the quality of our services
How does CRM setup go with us
  • We discuss your sales process
  • We customize sales funnels for your processes (settings, funnel stages, bounce rates, auto-tasks, auto-directing emails and their templates, sending messages to messengers and their templates, auto-adding contacts to newsletters and ad impressions, setting up triggers and tags, creating additional card fields and sorting them, setting up auto-generation of documents, setting up auto-import from Google spreadsheets, creating a mini-site with links to messengers, creating messenger buttons for insertion into the site, connecting requests from the site to CRM, and setting up the rest of the functionality that is available in your tariff plan)
  • We integrate telephony, social networks, email, websites, Viber, Telegram, Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp messengers, and other widgets
  • Create a bot that communicates with customers in messengers
  • Connect different sources of requests
  • Add employees to CRM, create departments, set up access rights
  • Import the customer base
  • Set up analytics
  • Present a CRM customized for you
  • We train your managers and sales executives to work in CRM, create instructions.
  • We give you bonus free months of using CRM
  • We adjust and optimize CRM for free during the entire period of its use according to the functionality of your package, give widgets as a gift and make discounts on other paid widgets.
  • We support all managers on business days during the entire period of use

Calculation of the Kommo cost

Kommo's pricing starts at $15 per user per month and may vary depending on a number of conditions. Factors affecting the price of CRM:

Number of users and tariff validity period
The price of the tariff is calculated for each CRM user for at least 6 months in accordance with the rules of Kommo CRM
Kommo tariff type

The type of tariff depends on the client's needs for work automation and employee control. Our specialists will help you choose the best tariff
Our customization services

Setup services include CRM setup, employee training, and support throughout the entire Kommo payment period.
  • 15
    years of experience with business processes
  • >300
    companies that have become our clients
  • 5
    years of experience in setting up the most advanced CRM systems
We will be happy to answer your questions
CHISLA Automation of sales departments